Bogworld has always been free for more than 30 years. It costs me considerable money 
to produce and publish on the web. I always intend to keep Bogworld free, however please tip 
your cartoonist if you enjoy the work!

I wrote A this new BOOK!

The House at the end of the Block - 
written and illustrated by Joseph Pillsbury

Actual Factual Magic- The simplified Guide to 
Walt Disney World
Written by Joseph Pillsbury & Kat garbis

Now available on 

Support the artist, Get a shirt!

Click on a shirt!  Support this work!  Shirts are designed by me, but are printed and produced by TeeSpring!  Many colors, styles and sizes available in many price ranges for each shirt!

Quote of the Moment

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will because we destroyed ourselves." - Abe Lincoln

I wrote these books too!

Thats right, I wrote an award winning novel (Winner: 2010 Best Young Adult Fiction- The Next Generation Independent Book Sellers Award).  Check out THE PRANK.  If you're planning a trip to Walt Disney World, you should check out ACTUAL FACTUAL MAGIC- The Simplified Guide to Walt Disney World. And if you are a fan of fantasy role playing games you might like A DRAGON SMIRKS, a collection of my cartoons from DRAGON Magazine! Available now on Amazon and Barnes and and for order from your favorite book seller!

Click on each book for details!